Project Overview

Zuki is a cutting-edge Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software tailored specifically for the manufacturing industry. Designed to address the unique challenges faced by manufacturing businesses, Zuki aims to streamline operations, enhance customer interactions, and optimize the entire customer lifecycle.


The primary goal was to develop a robust CRM solution that integrates seamlessly with the complex processes of manufacturing companies. Zuki focuses on improving customer management, sales tracking, and operational efficiency while providing a user-friendly interface adaptable to diverse manufacturing workflows.

Design Brief

Problem Statement

Manufacturing companies face numerous challenges in managing their customer relationships due to the complexity of their operations. Existing CRM solutions often fall short in addressing the specific needs of the manufacturing industry, leading to inefficiencies and suboptimal customer interactions. The aim was to create a CRM system that integrates smoothly with manufacturing processes, offers real-time insights, and enhances both sales and customer service operations.

User Research

To design a solution that aligns with the specific needs of the manufacturing sector, extensive research was conducted:

Stakeholder Interviews:
  • Engaged with key stakeholders including manufacturers, sales teams, and customer support representatives to gather insights on their pain points and requirements.
Workflow Analysis:
  • Observed and documented existing workflows within manufacturing environments to understand operational intricacies and identify areas for improvement.
Competitive Benchmarking:
  • Analyzed existing CRM solutions to identify gaps and opportunities for innovation tailored to the manufacturing industry.

Key Features

Visualize Your Entire Sales Pipeline:
  • Provide a clear, comprehensive view of the sales pipeline in a single glance. Enable users to easily identify and prioritize leads with a high conversion potential.
Marketing Channel Insights:
  • Deliver rapid insights into the effectiveness of various marketing channels. Help users optimize their marketing strategies based on real-time data.
Sales Team Performance Monitoring:
  • Enable effortless monitoring and measurement of sales team performance. Allow users to filter data by key metrics such as closing time and average deal size.
Business Insights from Customer Data:
  • Empower users to extract actionable insights from customer data. Provide tools to analyze and recall critical business information instantly.
Streamlined Customer Relationship Management:
  • Enhance customer relationship management with a unified interface. Consolidate follow-ups, quotations, and payment details for seamless interaction management.
Activity Management and Contextual Information:
  • Ensure efficient activity management and easy access to contextual lead information. Keep all relevant details accessible on a single screen.
Payment Follow-Up and Reminders:
  • Automate payment follow-ups with dedicated reminders. Help users stay on top of financial transactions and client interactions.
DUnified Communication and Collaboration:
  • Foster seamless teamwork and improve deal closure rates. Centralize communication logs and team interactions for enhanced collaboration.
Intuitive User Interface:
  • Design an intuitive interface that minimizes navigation complexity. Focus on user efficiency and task completion within the CRM environment.
Comprehensive Data Visualization:
  • Visualize complex data sets effectively for quick insights. Enable informed decision-making through interactive and accessible data visualization tools.
Customizable Filters and Dashboards:
  • Provide customizable filters and dashboards tailored to user preferences. Allow users to personalize their CRM view based on specific business needs.
Real-Time Updates and Notifications:
  • Keep users informed with real-time updates and notifications. Ensure timely actions and proactive management of sales activities.
Mobile Accessibility:
  • Optimize the CRM for mobile use to support on-the-go productivity. Enable seamless access to critical information anytime, anywhere.
User-Centered Design Process:
  • Conducted extensive stakeholder interviews and user workshops to gather insights and define requirements.
  • Created wireframes and prototypes to visualize and iterate on features, ensuring alignment with user expectations and business goals.
  • Conducted usability testing to validate designs and refine user interactions for enhanced usability and satisfaction.
Visual Design and Accessibility:
  • Designed a visually appealing and accessible interface that prioritizes usability. Incorporated responsive design principles for consistent performance across devices.
Integration and Scalability:
  • Emphasized integration capabilities to support seamless data flow with existing systems. Designed for scalability to accommodate future growth and technological advancements.
Outcome and Impact:
  • Enhanced user productivity and decision-making capabilities with streamlined workflows and intuitive navigation.
  • Improved user satisfaction and adoption rates by delivering a user-centric CRM solution that meets diverse business needs.
  • Supported business growth and efficiency through actionable insights and optimized customer relationship management.

Design Process

Discovery and Ideation

As a user experience designer, my initial step was to delve into the discovery phase, collaborating closely with industry experts and potential users to identify core requirements and brainstorm innovative solutions.

  • Collaborative Workshops: Organized workshops with stakeholders to gather insights and align on project objectives.
  • Modular Design Focus: Focused on creating a modular design that could be customized to fit various manufacturing workflows.
  • Integration Capabilities: Emphasized integration capabilities to ensure seamless connectivity with existing systems like ERP and supply chain management software.
Wireframing and Prototyping:
  • Moving into the wireframing and prototyping phase, I developed wireframes to map out the user interface and core functionalities.
Scalability and Adaptability
  • Ensured the design was scalable and adaptable to accommodate the diverse needs of different manufacturing entities.
User Testing and Feedback

Conducting multiple rounds of usability testing with end-users was crucial to refine the design.

  • Gathering User Feedback: Collected feedback on user interface elements, navigation, and overall user experience.
  • Iterative Improvements: Iteratively improved the design based on real-world user input to enhance usability and functionality.
Final Design and Handoff

Upon completing the final design, I provided detailed specifications for developers.

  • Design System and Guidelines: Offered a comprehensive design system and guidelines to ensure consistency across the platform.
  • Collaboration with Development Team: Worked closely with the development team to facilitate smooth implementation and address any design challenges.

Challenges & Solutions

Complex Integration Needs
  • Challenge: Integrating with various legacy systems and manufacturing software posed significant challenges.
  • Solution: Designed an API-first architecture that allowed for flexible and seamless integration with existing systems.
Customization for Diverse Workflows
  • Challenge: Addressing the diverse needs of different manufacturing processes required a highly adaptable solution.
  • Solution: Developed a modular and customizable interface that could be tailored to specific user requirements and workflows.
User Adoption and Training
  • Challenge: Ensuring users could easily transition to the new system and utilize its full capabilities was crucial.
  • Solution: Created intuitive onboarding processes, comprehensive documentation, and user training programs to facilitate smooth adoption.

Results & Impact

Zuki successfully revolutionized CRM operations for manufacturing businesses by delivering:

  • Improved Sales and Customer Management: Enhanced the efficiency and effectiveness of sales processes and customer interactions.
  • Optimized Operational Efficiency: Streamlined production planning and inventory management, resulting in reduced downtime and increased productivity.
  • Positive User Feedback: Users praised Zuki's intuitive design, flexibility, and robust feature set, leading to high adoption rates and user satisfaction.


Designing Zuki underscored the importance of user-centered design and adaptability in creating software for specialized industries. This project demonstrated my ability to tackle complex design challenges and deliver solutions that drive operational excellence and customer satisfaction.
