Project Overview

Chitkara University, India, a prominent educational institution offering a wide array of programs, undertook a website redesign to establish a modern, user-friendly, and informative online presence. The primary goal was to enhance user experience, streamline navigation, and effectively communicate the university’s offerings and values to prospective students, current students, faculty, and other stakeholders.

Project Goals

The redesign aimed to achieve the following objectives:

  • Improving User Experience: Create an intuitive and easy-to-navigate website for diverse user groups.
  • Enhancing Visual Appeal: Update the website aesthetics to reflect modern design standards and align with the university’s brand identity.
  • Providing Comprehensive Information: Ensure detailed and easily accessible information about programs, admissions, campus life, and more.
  • Supporting Marketing and Outreach: Develop a platform that supports the university’s marketing efforts and attracts new students.

Target Audience

  • Prospective students
  • Current students
  • Parents
  • Faculty and staff
  • Alumni

User Research

Extensive research was conducted to ensure the redesigned website met the needs of its diverse audience:

  • Stakeholder Interviews: Gathered insights from university staff, students, and alumni about their expectations and challenges with the current website.
  • User Surveys: Collected feedback from prospective students and parents to understand their information needs and browsing behaviors.
  • Competitor Analysis: Analyzed websites of leading universities to identify best practices and opportunities for differentiation.

Key Features

The redesigned website incorporated the following key features to enhance user experience:

  • Modern and Responsive Design: Developed a visually appealing, responsive design that adapts seamlessly to various devices and screen sizes.
  • Intuitive Navigation: Simplified the navigation structure to ensure users can find information quickly and efficiently.
  • Program Listings and Details: Provided comprehensive details on academic programs, including course descriptions, faculty profiles, and career prospects.
  • Admissions Portal: Integrated a user-friendly admissions section with clear guidance on the application process, deadlines, and requirements.
  • Campus Life and Resources: Highlighted campus facilities, student activities, and resources through virtual tours and testimonials.
  • News and Events: Featured a dynamic section for news, events, and announcements to keep the university community and visitors updated.
  • Contact and Support: Ensured easy access to contact information and support services, including chatbots for immediate assistance.

Design Process

Discovery and Planning
  • Collaborated closely with Chitkara University stakeholders to define project goals, scope, and requirements. Emphasis was placed on understanding diverse user needs and aligning with the university’s strategic objectives.
Wireframing and Prototyping:
  • Created wireframes and interactive prototypes to visualize the website’s layout and functionality. This phase emphasized a clean and organized structure for easy navigation and quick access to information.
User Testing and Iteration:
  • Conducted usability testing with real users, including prospective students, current students, and faculty. Feedback was gathered to refine the design iteratively, focusing on improving user-friendliness and effectiveness.
Final Design and Handoff:
  • Delivered the final design with detailed specifications and guidelines for the development team. A comprehensive design system ensured consistency in visual and functional elements across the website, supported by close collaboration with developers to address implementation challenges.

Challenges & Solutions

  • Balancing Diverse User Needs: Tailored content and navigation paths for different user groups ensured that each could easily find relevant information.
  • Content Overhaul: Implemented a content management strategy to prioritize essential information and enhance clarity and accessibility.
  • Ensuring Accessibility: Adhered to web accessibility standards (WCAG) to design an inclusive and accessible website for all users.
  • Scalability and Expansion: Developed a modular and scalable architecture that allowed for easy customization and expansion as needed.

Results & Impact

The redesigned Chitkara University website achieved significant outcomes:

  • Enhanced User Experience: Improved navigation, responsiveness, and accessibility led to increased user satisfaction.
  • Increased Engagement: Dynamic content and interactive features contributed to higher visitor engagement rates.
  • Positive Feedback: Received praise from users, stakeholders, and external audiences for modern design and usability.
  • Support for Enrollment Goals: Supported university marketing efforts, leading to increased prospective student inquiries and applications.


Redesigning the Chitkara University website was a rewarding project that underscored the importance of user-centered design in higher education. It demonstrated the impact of creating solutions that are visually appealing, functional, and accessible to diverse user groups.


Include screenshots and design prototypes of the Chitkara University website, showcasing the homepage, program listings, admissions portal, and interactive features.