Project Overview

Agency Maison leverages over three decades of experience in holistic home management and organization, offering clients hyper-personalized guidance, support, and peace of mind. The company provides two main services:

  • Home Organization & Management
  • Virtual Executive Assistant Services

The project involved designing a mobile application to serve as a bridge between Agency Maison's customers and their services. The app needed to facilitate seamless communication with assigned managers and provide a comprehensive list of appointments, all within a simple and modern user interface.


The primary goal of the Agency Maison app was to enhance the client experience by providing an intuitive and efficient platform for managing home services and executive assistant tasks. Key objectives included:

  • Facilitating Communication: Enabling easy and direct communication between clients and their assigned managers.
  • Streamlining Appointments: Providing a clear and accessible list of appointments to help clients manage their schedules.
  • Ensuring Usability: Designing a simple and modern interface that offers a smooth and enjoyable user experience.

User Research

To create an app that meets the needs of Agency Maison's diverse clientele, comprehensive research was conducted:

  • Client Interviews: Conducted interviews with current and prospective clients to understand their needs, preferences, and pain points.
  • Stakeholder Workshops: Engaged with Agency Maison’s staff to gather insights into their processes and client interactions.
  • Competitive Analysis: Analyzed similar apps in the market to identify best practices and areas for improvement.

Key Features

  • Chat Functionality: Enables clients to communicate directly with their assigned managers for real-time support and updates.
  • Appointment Management: Provides a detailed and accessible list of upcoming appointments, with options to add, edit, and receive reminders.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Offers a clean, simple, and modern design that prioritizes ease of use and accessibility.

Design Process

  • Discovery and Planning: Defined the project scope and goals through discussions with stakeholders and clients.
  • Focused on understanding the unique needs of high-net-worth individuals and families seeking home management and virtual assistant services.
  • Prioritized features that would offer the most value and convenience to users.
  • Wireframing and Prototyping: Developed wireframes and prototypes to visualize the app's layout and functionality.
  • Emphasized a minimalistic design to ensure a clutter-free and intuitive user experience.
  • Created interactive prototypes to demonstrate key features and gather feedback from stakeholders.
  • User Testing and Iteration: Conducted usability testing with a group of representative users.
  • Collected feedback on the design, functionality, and overall user experience.
  • Made iterative improvements based on user feedback to enhance usability and satisfaction.
  • Final Design and Development Handoff: Completed the final design with detailed specifications and guidelines for the development team.
  • Provided a comprehensive style guide to ensure design consistency throughout the app.
  • Collaborated closely with developers to address any implementation challenges and ensure a high-quality final product.

Challenges & Solutions

  • Ensuring Seamless Communication: Facilitating smooth and real-time communication between clients and managers was crucial.
  • Solution: Implemented a robust chat functionality with real-time messaging, notifications, and history tracking to ensure clients can always stay connected with their managers.
  • Managing Appointments Effectively: Providing an intuitive way for clients to manage and track their appointments.
  • Solution: Designed a clear and accessible appointment management system with calendar integration, reminders, and easy editing options.
  • Maintaining a Simple and Modern Design: Balancing functionality with a clean and modern aesthetic.
  • Solution: Focused on a minimalistic design approach, using whitespace effectively and prioritizing essential features to avoid clutter.

Results & Impact

The Agency Maison app successfully achieved:

  • Enhanced Client Communication: Enabled seamless and real-time communication between clients and their assigned managers, improving overall client satisfaction.
  • Streamlined Appointment Management: Provided clients with a clear and intuitive way to manage their schedules, leading to better organization and fewer missed appointments.
  • 5strong>Positive User Feedback: Received praise for its simple, modern design and user-friendly interface, resulting in high user adoption and engagement.


Designing the Agency Maison app underscored the importance of user-centered design in creating digital solutions for high-net-worth clients. This project demonstrated the value of combining functionality with a sleek and modern aesthetic to deliver a superior user experience. It highlighted how thoughtful design can significantly enhance client interactions and streamline service management.


Include screenshots and design prototypes of the Agency Maison app, showcasing the chat functionality, appointment management system, and overall interface..